Friday, July 20, 2012

Painted Feathers

      I have found my new obsession, painting on these different surfaces is so fun and give their own unique little challenges. I have been given goose feathers by a coworker and their larger size has opened up millions of ideas. So far I have painted a goldfinch, pheasant, and a Luna moth so far.

 Also I have started doing some very unique pet portraits, just for birds and their owners. Each portrait is a bird painted on its own feathers. When someone orders this commission they send me some molted feathers from their birds and photos, I then paint said bird on its very own feathers. These portraits are truly an unique portrait that is special to each bird.

Also the website is up and running, still a work in progress though, but its getting better little by little. For knowing nothing about building a site I am very happy with the outcome so far.